
  • Some of the best TV shows on Netflix have managed to conclude in a satisfying manner, despite the platform's reputation for canceling projects prematurely.
  • Shows like Ozark, Bad Blood, and Orange Is the New Black were able to give their characters decisive conclusions that wrapped up their storylines effectively.
  • BoJack Horseman is considered one of Netflix's best shows and its final season provided an emotional rollercoaster with a fitting and impactful ending.

While many Netflix shows have had poorly executed endings or have been discontinued before they reach their climax, some have pulled off the perfect conclusion. Netflix has gained a slight reputation for canceling their original projects too son, which can be frustrating for those invested in these shows. Although this has been a frequent problem, Netflix has managed to have several series that have concluded in the best possible fashion. When done right, Netflix can do their projects justice and end them on a high note.

Concluding a TV series can be difficult, even more so when they don't get to go out on their own terms. It is a problem that exists beyond streaming platforms and in some cases, shows go on too long before fizzling out with their farewell coming far too late. Netflix is no stranger to this either, but they also have exceptions. Some of the best TV shows on Netflix were wrapped up at the perfect time - intentionally or not - and ended while on top. Not only did they finish while still popular, but these shows have done so in a way that perfectly capped off their stories.

8 Ozark

Laura Linney and Jason Bateman in Ozark

With the show's most popular and likable character being killed off alongside the Byrdes surviving, Ozark's series finale was divisive, to say the least. Despite the show not getting a particularly happy ending, it finished in a way befitting the series. The Byrde family may have been the show's protagonists, but they were far from the heroes. Regardless of how innocent they portrayed themselves, their corruption and criminal acts only ruined people's lives. Marty and Wendy's ruthless and selfish antics managed to see them survive the show, even corrupting their own children while hurting everyone else in the process, which fits Ozark's tone perfectly.

7 Bad Blood

Kim Coates holding a gun in Netflix's Bad Blood

Kim Coates' Bad Blood is inspired by true events and focuses on organized crime in Canada. This crime drama may not be one of Netflix's biggest shows, but it did wrap up in a satisfying fashion. Most shows of this ilk normally end with the main character being killed off in one last blaze of glory, but Declan manages to survive the events of the show. Despite being involved with some of Canada's most notorious crime lords and even managing to take over operations for a mafia family, Declan is able to overcome his enemies. There are some bittersweet moments, but Declan's ability to outlast Montreal's biggest players was enjoyable.

6 Orange Is The New Black

Piper and Alex sitting together in their cell with a book in Orange is the New Black

One of Netflix's original big hits, Orange Is the New Black came to an end in 2019 and gave their large cast a proper send-off. The show's premise focuses on a women's prison and the lives of the inmates inside. Over the course of its run, the show had many characters, twists, and turns. Despite its huge cast, it was able to give all its main characters that lasted until the end a decisive conclusion to their story. Things weren't left open-ended or full of cliffhangers, instead, it was clear to see what direction each character's life was heading and how the duration of Orange Is the New Black shaped them.

5 The Punisher

Frank Castle standing in The Punisher

The Punisher is one of Marvel's more brutal and bloody projects and Jon Bernthal's portrayal of the character had audiences hooked. It may have only lasted two seasons, but seeing Frank Castle's journey as New York's most dangerous vigilante was thrilling. In a world full of heroes, he was a true anti-hero. Frank's moral code had been an interesting storyline since Daredevil season 2 and was expanded upon during his spinoff. The show's final scene saw Frank embrace his role as The Punisher, his sole objective to hunt down and "punish" criminals. While the show was technically canceled, its conclusion was the perfect end to Frank's journey.

4 Narcos

Pedro Pascal points to a suspect board in Narcos

Based on the true story of Pablo Escobar and Columbia's drug trade, Narcos had three brilliant seasons before calling it a day. While it followed true events, Narcos' biggest real-life changes allowed it to thrive as a dramatic crime show while highlighting the brutality around the Cartels. While Javier Pena got to watch some of the biggest players get taken down, including Pablo Escobar, Narcos' ending ultimately highlights how the war on drugs will never end. Despite Pena's exhausting pursuit, he is ultimately left unsatisfied and his resignation from the DEA highlights he is just another victim of this war, embracing the show's overarching theme.

3 After Life

Promotional photo for After Life showing Tony with a dog

Ricky Gervais may be a comedian who splits opinion, but his ability to make quality TV shows is undeniable. Co-creating the original The Office was a pathway to making such a dark, emotional yet hilarious show like After Life. After losing his wife, Gervais' character, Tony, lives a life that is a shadow of the one he knew. His sarcastic and cynical nature barely gets him by, and he finds himself pushing those trying to help away. While Tony never fully gets over his wife's death, the final scene of After Life shows Tony finally finding some form of peace with his dog and late wife in a poetic ending.

2 Cyberpunk Edgerunners

David and Lucy sitting on the moon in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a beautiful tale of love, ambition, and tragedy. Based in Cyberpunk 2077's Night City, a street kid named David loses his mother and finds himself becoming a low-level Merc. While most of his crew end up dead, David continues to fight for the woman who introduced him to this life as they fall in love. Determined to help Lucy achieve her dreams, David goes down the same route as his mentor, falling into Cyberpsychosis and fighting Night City's boogeyman, Adam Smasher. The story ends with David joining his crew in death, but not before saving Lucy and finally helping her get to the moon, a tragic yet fitting conclusion.

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1 BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman Ending Diane

An animated show about a talking horse doesn't sound like much on paper, but it is easily one of Netflix's best-ever shows with an even better ending. BoJack Horseman season 6's ending is an emotional rollercoaster that acts as a perfect farewell to the show. Its final two episodes have a 9.9 and 9.5 respectively on IMDb, making them some of the best episodes of TV ever in terms of rating. BoJack is a narcissistic, selfish character, yet has qualities that still make the audience want to route for him, only for him to let them down time and time again.

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The penultimate episode focuses on him facing death but rather than getting an easy way out, he survives and faces prison for his terrible actions committed throughout the show. While he gets to see his friends after being released for Princess Caroline's wedding, most have moved on with their lives leaving him more alone than ever. The Netflix show's six seasons indicate progression and guilt from BoJack, only for him to throw it all away with more mistakes. By the time he is fully able to realize the extent of his damage, he has lost everything and everyone, leaving him the only remaining character without some form of happy ending.