
  • Lydia and Milton are the only successful marriage from Love Is Blind season 5, proving the potential of the reality TV experiment.
  • Milton defended Lydia against criticism and addressed issues with cast members Uche and Aaliyah at the reunion.
  • Their differing personalities complement each other and they are making their marriage work, despite the bumpy road they faced.


Lydia Velez Gonzalez and Milton Johnson tied the knot on Love Is Blind season 5, but that doesn't mean they stayed together. Only two couples made it down the aisle, and Lydia and Milton emerged as the only successful marriage of the entire season. While Stacy Snyder showed interest in continuing to date Izzy, their relationship remained in limbo. Meanwhile, Lydia went on Love Is Blind out of desperation, and her drama with Uche Okoroha and Aaliyah Cosby was a stain on the season.

The ongoing drama was far from the only disappointment in Love Is Blind season 5. Taylor Rue and JP Pierce called it quits before leaving Mexico, and Renee Poche and Carter Wall were cut from the season entirely. A drawn-out drudge to the altar followed, simultaneously overdramatic and boring. Did Lydia and Milton stay together after the finale, or was the entire season a failure?

Lydia And Milton Are Still Married After Love Is Blind Season 5

Lydia Arleen from Love Is Blind Season 5 in blue over the shoulder top

Nick and Vanessa Lachey started the Love Is Blind season 5 reunion by asking Milton and Lydia if they were still married. The two were cozied up on a couch together and revealed they were happily still together. Milton even proudly announced he had washed a dish and hung up a towel during their first year of marriage, a massive win for the messy groom. Milton and Lydia looked happy and secure in their relationship, and having the cameras off of them was probably the best thing that could have happened for their marriage. Vanessa managed to contain herself and didn't ask them when they were having children, a sign of growth from the baby-obsessed host.

Lydia And Milton Addressed Issues With Uche And Aaliyah

uche and milton

Milton was criticized for being cold and unemotional throughout the season because he refused to engage with Lydia's hot-headed emotions. However, he spoke up at the reunion in defense of his wife. Uche Okoroha was invited to the reunion but chose not to come, likely because of the bad impression he made on everyone in the cast. In an attempt to make Lydia look crazy, which admittedly worked for the first few episodes, he inadvertently cast himself as the bad guy. He went from saying Lydia was a wonderful, sweet person to warning Milton to break up with her.

Milton could see through Uche's lies, trusted his wife, and defended her thoroughly at the reunion. He even revealed Uche texted him on his wedding day, and he didn't feel the need to respond. Even Lydia defended herself well during the reunion when Aaliyah accused her of handling her situation with Uche poorly, and it seems Milton and Lydia's differing personalities complement each other well.

Milton and Lydia were an unexpected success from the disaster that was Love Is Blind season 5. As the only couple married from the season, they represent the continued potential of the reality TV experiment. Even though it was a bumpy road marked by differing personalities, outside drama, and a significant age difference, Milton and Lydia are making their marriage work. Hopefully, their relationship continues to thrive off-camera.