Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot of romance for a game about saving the world, with many characters for the main character, default name Tav, to build a relationship with. However, it’s not only the main adventuring party who gets to enjoy a little romance. Dotted throughout the game are many NPC couples, making the world of Faerûn feel more alive with their love and sometimes their tragedy.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3.]

Larian Studios has done a great job of making the world of Baldur's Gate 3 feel alive and as realistic as possible while still dealing with magic and monsters. A huge part of that is the many NPCs that can be met and interacted with throughout the course of the adventure, many of which play significant roles in the ending of Baldur's Gate 3. The game is full of couples, some more obvious or happier than others, for the party to find and learn more about.

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10 Philomeen & Laridda

Philomeen holds a flame threateningly and Laridda looks angry in Baldur's Gate 3

The romance between deep gnomes Philomeen and Laridda isn’t one out of a fairytale. Both women can be met in the Underdark and have been captured as slaves by the duergar. The party will have to find Philomeen for the quest “Find Explosives” as she has escaped with a large amount of Runepowder. Speaking to Philomeen about Laridda will reveal that the relationship is very one-sided and Philomeen does not care as deeply about Laridda as Laridda does about her.

9 Baelen & Derryth Bonecloak

Baelen and Derryth Bonecloak in the Myconid Colony in Baldur's Gate 3

Another unhappy couple are Baelen and Derryth Bonecloak, who can also be found in the Underdark. When first encountered, Derryth will explain that Baelen has gone missing, but she seems more annoyed than worried. The party can save Baelen in BG3 and return him to his wife, who again seems angry at this result. However, speaking to Derryth or using speak with animals to talk to their deep rothe will reveal that before he became befuddled Baelen was extremely abusive to Derryth. It becomes terribly clear that Derryth prefers Baelen in his confused state as it is safer for her and better for their shop without him in charge.

8 Blurg & Omeluum

Blurg looks up at Omeluum in Baldur's Gate 3

Blurg and Omeluum are a couple of members of the Society of Brilliance that can first be met in the Myconid Colony in the Underdark and then again once in Baldur’s Gate. When interacted with in Baldur’s Gate 3 they will refer to each other as friends, but Magic: The Gathering's Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate set seems to reveal that Blurg and Omeluum run away together as a couple. If this is true then they are a very sweet couple who clearly care about each other's well-being as shown with Blurg’s obvious relief when Omeluum is rescued in Act 3.

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7 Danis & Bex

Bex is reunited with Danis in Baldur's Gate 3

Danis and Bex are a tiefling couple that can be overheard in the Druid Grove in Act 1 of BG3 talking about the new life they want in Baldur's Gate. However, things take a terrible turn and by the time the party meets Bex again at the Last Light Inn, she will beg for help as Danis has been captured by the Absolute Cult. Very little is revealed about the couple, but it is clear that they are deeply in love and looking forward to rebuilding their life after the events of Elturel.

6 Ansur & Balduran

Dear Ansur Letter and Ansur in Baldur's Gate 3

Deep under Baldur's Gate is the Wyrmway, a dungeon filled with puzzles, an undead dragon called Ansur, and a lot of lore about the founder of Baldur's Gate: Balduran. After defeating Ansur the party is able to learn more about Balduran, who it is revealed is still alive and helping the group in BG3 as the Emperor. However, on Ansur's body is a letter that heavily implies that he and Baluran were more than just friends. The letter talks about their time together and how much Ansur meant to him with Balduran ending the letter writing, "And know that even if I'm not beside you, I will always have been your Balduran." This letter sheds new light on their relationship and adds more tragedy to Ansur’s fate.

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5 Mayrina & Connor

Mayrina with her zombie husband Connor in Baldur's Gate 3

Mayrina and her husband Connor are another tragic couple in Baldur’s Gate 3. When the party first meets Mayrina, Connor has died and she has struck a deal with the hag Auntie Ethel, trading her unborn child for Connor’s resurrection. The party has the choice to intervene or not but regardless it is obvious that Mayrina loved Connor so much she was willing to deal with a hag to get him back. When met again in Act 3, Mayrina can be convinced to finally let Connor go, allowing her to healthily move on with her life.

4 Gale & Mystra

Gale conjures an image of Mystra in Baldur's Gate 3

A romance that is perhaps open to interpretation is that of wizard companion Gale and the goddess of magic Mystra. Once his approval is high enough, Gale will happily tell the tale of his relationship with Mystra, how much he loved her, and how the end of the romance sent him down a dark path. Gale and Mystra’s relationship is an odd one full of imbalance and unresolved feelings. It is possible for Gale to move on from Mystra with a Tav romance, but if left alone it’s not entirely clear if he is over the goddess or not.

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3 Alfira & Lakrissa

Alfira and Lakrissa in Last Light Inn in Baldur's Gate 3

Lakrissa and Alfira are two tieflings that can be encountered first in the Druid Grove in Act 1 of BG3. They are met separately, and it isn't until they are reunited in Act 2 after the party has rescued the tieflings from the Absolute that things change between Lakrissa and Alfira. When Lakrissa is met again in Baldur's Gate, she will explain that they are a now couple. Lakrissa and Alfira have great chemistry with each other, and it's nice to know that by helping them survive to Baldur's Gate, the party is responsible for such a cute couple.

2 Komira & Locke

Locke and Komira angrily try to get their daughter Arabella from the druids in Baldur's Gate 3

Locke and Komira are two tieflings that can be met in the Druid Grove early in BG3 and are Arabella's parents. It is clear from the brief interactions with them that they are a strong couple who support each other through stressful times and want the best for their daughter. All of this makes it even more tragic when their bodies are found side-by-side in the House of Healing in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.

1 Dame Aylin & Isobel

Isobel and Dame Aylin the Nightsong are reunited in Baldur's Gate 3

Isobel and Aylin are a couple that can be met in Act 2 in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and are directly involved in the main plot of Baldur’s Gate 3. They have a beautiful relationship and despite being separated for over a century are still just as in love as the day they met. Isobel and Aylin have the most notable relationship and one based on mutual love and respect easily making them one of the best couples in Baldur’s Gate 3.