Screen Rant

Ambrose Tardive

Comics Editor

Author Details

Ambrose Tardive is a writer, editor, and life-long comic book reader. He earned his MFA from Randolph College and has published several short stories. As the lyricist for his high school punk band, he was referencing Doctor Manhattan way before it was cool.

Industry Focus

Ambrose picked his first comic book off the rack at 7-11 at age nine. Since then, he has written extensively about comic books, with a strong emphasis on independent titles. He believes that, as author Alan Moore recently said, "the medium can do anythig."

Favorite Media

Some of Ambrose's favorite comic books include Grant Morrison's New X-Men, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run and V for VendettaStar Wars Tales, Brian Azzarello's 100 Bullets, Brian K. Vaughn's Ex Machina, and Frank Miller's RoboCop Versus The Terminator, which should totally be adapted. 

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"The Medium Can Do Anything": Alan Moore Believes Comic Books Have Barely Scratched the Surface of Their Potential

In a recent interview, Alan Moore contrasted his disgust with the comic book industry with his unfiltered love of comics as a storytelling medium.

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"His Powers Are Staggering": Marvel Explains Why the Illuminati Need Their 2 New Members

Christopher Cantwell, writer of Marvel's upcoming Thanos' miniseries, gave an interview where he discussed the newest additions to the Illuminati.

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Who is The New Spider-Man?: Marvel To Reboot Its Ultimate Universe With a Mystery Wall-Crawler

Marvel's new Ultimate Universe reboot will kick off with Ultimate Spider-Man #1, but the question is: who will be under the Spidey mask?

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Millarverse's Fraternity of Super Criminals Are a Conspiracy Theorist's Worst Nightmare

Mark Millar's Fraternity of Super Criminals is a conspiracy theorist's worst fears, a global conspiracy of the few, dictating the will of the many.

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"We're Finishing Our Krakoa Plans": Marvel Confirms X-Men's Critically Acclaimed Krakoan Era Is Ending

X-Men Senior Editor Jordan D. White spoke with AIPT about ending his run as X-editor with the spectacular conclusion to the Krakoan era.

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Thanos Writer Settles His Most Important Power (Which Would Make Him a DC Continuity God)

In an interview with Looper, writer Christopher Cantwell discussed his upcoming Thanos limited series, and what makes the Marvel villain so powerful.

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Wanted's Wesley Gibson Is Officially the Millarverse's Ultimate Supervillain, With New Powers & Weapons

Mark Millar's Big Game serves as a sequel to several of his iconic titles, including Wanted, whose main character is the villain of the new series.

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This Brilliant Peanuts Reference Proves Far Side Is the Smartest Comic Strip Ever

Gary Larson's Far Side comic made several references to its long-running predecessor Peanuts, with one proving just how smart Larson's comic was.

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Kingsman's Eggsy Just Died Horribly – But It Won't Be Permanent

Mark Millar's Big Game has fueled massive speculation with its first three issues; with two to go, readers have some clear ideas of what will happen.

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"There Can Only Ever Be One": Millarworld's Massive Big Game Crossover Only Exists Because of Stan Lee

In a 2018 series of tweets following Stan Lee's passing, Mark Millar shared how the legendary creator inspired him to start his own comic company.

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"House of X-Sized": Jonathan Hickman Reveals G.O.D.S Hardcover Will Contain Previously Unreleased Material

Jonathan Hickman spoke with EW about G.O.D.S., saying the collected edition will feature even more material than the already-packed single issues

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Star Wars Legends Revealed the Sad Ultimate Fate of This Original Trilogy Character

Star Wars Tales #19 featured "Storyteller," a look at the far-flung future of the Star Wars galaxy, featuring the final fate of a beloved character.

Why the Magic Order Can't Stop Wanted's Fraternity - Millarverse Addresses a Major Plot Hole

As the Millarverse both expands and contracts in the pages of Big Game #3, a question on many readers' minds is finally put to rest. For now.

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"The Repulsive RE-PO": Spider-Man's New Villain Is Too Gross for the MCU

Amazing Spider-Man #36 will introduce the hero's most horrifying villain ever, a creature so scary even the demon known as Rek-Rap is afraid of it.

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Dark Droids' SECOND REVELATION Are a First For the Star Wars Universe

Star Wars: Dark Droids is reinventing the franchise's approach to droids; for the first time, two powerful, autonomous droid factions go head-to-head.

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“That’s Why They Call ‘Em Comics”: Ex Machina’s Final Issue Perfectly Explains What Makes Superhero Stories Great

Brian K. Vaughn ended his Ex Machina with a poignant observation about the nature of comic books, and why superhero storytelling endures.

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Star Wars Latest Droid Rebellion Can Learn From This Groundbreaking Legends Story

Marvel's Dark Droids series is reinventing Star Wars' approach to droids; one iconic Legends story tread similar ground decades earlier.

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"Homo Perfectus!": Why the U-Men Are the X-Men Villains the MCU Actually Needs

The U-Men, introduced in Grant Morrison's influential New X-Men run, are the villains the MCU needs to bring to the big screen alongside mutantkind.

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Star Trek Reveals Exactly How Many Starfleet Regulations Kirk Broke as Captain

In IDW's Star Trek: Defiant #5, Spock precisely quantified Captain Kirk's frequent insubordinations from his tenure as a Starfleet captain.

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These Two Characters Are Star Trek's Newest, Greatest Odd Couple

Star Trek: Defiant #5 has Starfleet legend Spock unexpectedly acting as a quasi-mentor to evil android Lore, who doesn't seem to appreciate the help.

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