Screen Rant

Dashiel Reaves-

Dashiel Reaves

Author Details

Dashiel Reaves is a writer for ScreenRant, growing up he was always around comics due to his parents' involvement with Batman The Animated Series and various other comic book properties! He absolutely adores comics and always has for as long as he could read. He wants to try and share his love and passion for them with others.

Industry Focus

Since he grew up around his parents working on Batman the Animated Series, Dashiel has always loved Batman and the DC Universe. It's where his primary center of comic book knowledge is and it's what he enjoys talking about the most. Most of his articles are going to be about the DC Trinity because of this.

Favorite Media

While Dashiel's absolute favorite comic media is Hellblazer, he's also a huge fan of Batman and Superman. The dark city of Gotham and the bright buildings of Metropolis are something that is endlessly fascinating to him. Hopefully, this fascination comes off in his writing and is able to captivate readers just as much as it's captivated him.

Joker Batman Villains DC 1
Sorry Joker - Another Villain Got Batman to Break His 'No Kill' Rule First

Batman's biggest rule is to never kill his enemies — a rule that the Joker has failed to get him to break. But one obscure villain actually succeeded.

Reverse-Flash and the Flash 1
The Flash Accidentally Fixed His Greatest Enemy's Biggest Weakness

The Flash has one of the most dangerous rivals of all time — and that was before he accidentally made the Reverse-Flash even more dangerous.

Batman and Nightwing DC 1
Batman Reveals His Dark Anti-Nightwing Contingency

Batman has a contingency plan for every situation that may arise, but his plan to take down Nightwing — once and for all — is one of his darkest yet.

Evil Superman Bloody Comic 1
Superman's Dark "Demolisher" Persona Nearly Turned Him Into a Supervillain

Superman is one of DC's greatest heroes, but even he has a dark side. One Superman persona proves he could have become Metropolis' biggest criminal.

Batman in DC Comics 1
"It's All Over. We Lost": 1 Obscure Villain Made Batman Abandon Gotham

Batman has seen his city be taken over several times, and he's always fought to get it back — but one lesser Batman villain made him abandon Gotham.

Superman Joker Greatest Insult DC Comics 1
1 Superman Threat Explains Why Joker Is Too Scared to Attack His City

The Joker is an absurdly chaotic and dangerous character, but even he knows not to mess with Superman's city, especially after one deadly threat.

10 Plastic Man Moments That Prove He Has Justice League's Most Terrifying Powers

The DC Universe is full of people with fantastical powers; the fact most people use these powers for good hides just how terrifying some are.

"I've Been Patronizing Her": Superman Finally Admits He's Been Underestimating Supergirl Since He Met Her

Superman has long considered himself Supergirl's mentor, but now he realizes that she's always understood something he's only just facing.

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Red Hood's Custom Bullets Just Gave Him a Cooler Version of the Dark Knight's Utility Belt

Red Hood has always struggled to find his place in the DC Universe, but one cool new gadget might just prove where Jason Todd truly belongs.

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10 Justice League Heroes Who Have Never Died in DC Continuity

Being on the Justice League is one of the most dangerous jobs in the DC Universe, which is why it's so surprising that some members have never died.

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DC Admits Jason Momoa Would Nail a Major Upcoming MCU Role

DC pokes playful fun at the casting rumors surrounding Jason Momoa — including the possibility that he could play one major upcoming MCU role.

Joker and the Bat-Family DC 1
Batman Finally Admits Joker Was Right About the Bat-Family

Batman started out as a solo act, but he has assembled a large family over the years. The Joker thinks this is a mistake, and Batman finally agrees.

Superman Glowing Blue with Sword 1
"Abracadabra": Superman's Weakness to Magic Unlocked His Most Powerful Form

Superman is incredibly powerful, but he does have a few specific weaknesses, including magic — but magic once somehow made him even stronger.

Joker Batman Villains DC 1
8 Batman Villains Who Are Overdue for a Comeback (and 2 Who Just Came Back)

Batman has one of the greatest rogues gallery in all comic books, but with a rogues gallery so large, it's expected to forget a few here or there.

Superman flying with Chris Kent 1
Superman's Newest Family Member Echoes His Forgotten Son's Tragic Fate

Even before Jon Kent, one of Superman's biggest failures was his forgotten first child — but he might be getting another chance to fix his mistake.

Red Hood Gotham War DC 1
DC Is Taking Red Hood In A Completely New Direction - Theory Explained

Red Hood is infamous as being the only member of the Bat-Family willing to use lethal force regularly, but it seems DC is attempting to change that.

Batman vs. Nightwing DC 1
Batman Only Trusts One Bat-Family Member To Be His True Failsafe

The Gotham War is pushing Batman over the edge. Previews for Batman #138 show that Nightwing may hold the key to taking down the Bat-Family patriarch.

batman break red hood mind 1
Batman Just Rewired Red Hood's Mind So He Can Never Kill Again (Against His Will)

Batman and Red Hood have always disagreed on how to handle criminals, and it seems Batman has finally decided to end the argument - permanently.

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The Flash: 10 Worst Things Eobard Thawne's Reverse-Flash Ever Did to Barry Allen

Most DC heroes have terrifying villains, but Reverse-Flash is the darkest of all - as proved by the awful things he's done to the Flash.

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Even Superman Admits Joker Nailed the Bat-Family with 1 Insult

With a name like the Joker, it's fair to assume that the man can tell some jokes — and he can even get a laugh out of Superman himself.

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