
The Thing


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Colossus vs Thing: Marvel Just Permanently Settled Who's Stronger

Colossus and The Thing are two of Marvel's strongest fighters, but now The Thing has been knocked out by only a fraction of Piotr's power.

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The Thing's Son Is the Ultimate Venom Host in Marvel's Dark Future

Venom has had many hosts over the years, with a distant future version of The Thing's son becoming a symbiote host that would make Eddie Brock jealous

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The Thing's Most Extreme Redesign Makes the Hulk Look Friendly

In 1990s, the Thing got an extreme redesign thanks to artist Kelley Jones – who conceived of an incarnation that makes the Hulk look friendly.

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Fantastic Four's Thing Officially Becomes the New Venom in Brutal Redesign

Marvel's newest What If...? takes a dark turn as Venom possesses the Thing, at a time when the Fantastic Four hero was at his lowest.

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The Thing Ruined His Own Powers (Then Spent His Life Blaming Reed Richards)

The Thing is famously trapped in his rocky form, blaming Fantastic Four ally Reed Richards - however, it's actually Ben's own fault.

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Reed Richards Has a Perfect Cure for the Thing's Temper

The Fantastic Four's Thing is well known for his short fuse, but now Reed Richards has created an elegant and simple way to help control his temper.

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Thing's DC Crossover Finally Made Him a Match for the Hulk

Hulk and the Thing have been in a lot of fights over the years, but they've never truly been equals--at least, until Marvel's ultimate DC crossover.

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Even The Thing Knows Hulk is Stronger Than Him (and He Doesn't Care)

The Thing and the Hulk have fought countless times and although the Thing seems to have realized who's the better of the two, he doesn't really care.

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"You're a World-Famous Superhero": Marvel Finally Calls Out the Thing's Self-Pity

When the Thing compares his ‘tragic’ story to that of a young mutant on Krakoa, Ben Grimm is called out for his hypocrisy and self-pity.

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Hulk & Thing Are Combining Their Strength to Fight a Marvel God

In a preview for Clobberin' Time #1, the Hulk and the Thing must team up to stop not only a kaiju, but also an iconic Marvel god.

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The Thing's Repressed Rage Just Led To The Fantastic Four's Deaths

Sins of Sinister #1 reveals that the Fantastic Four were taken down by Sinister clones, capitalizing on Ben Grimm's resentment towards Reed Richards.

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Hulk vs Thing Was Settled With One Insult (Not a Punch)

The rivalry of Hulk and Thing of the Fantastic Four is legendary, but their most brutal fight happened not with fists but words, and Ben Grimm lost.

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The Thing's Venom Upgrade Finally Turns Him into a REAL Monster

When The Thing became Venom in an alt-universe Marvel Universe story, the hero became a terrifying monster that represents Ben Grimm's worst nightmare

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Fantastic Four: The Thing's Jewish Identity Makes Him Marvel's Deepest Hero

The Thing is Marvel's most popular Jewish superhero - and the Fantastic Four story in which his Jewish identity was officially revealed is a tragedy.

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Fantastic Four Cosplay Gives Fans an Epic Thing vs Doctor Doom Fight

Two of Marvel Comics' classic characters, the Thing and Doctor Doom, face off again in a fantastic cosplay from the 2022 New York Comic Con.

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Captain America's Death Reveals the Surprising Hero Worthy to Replace Him

From John Walker to Sam Wilson to Bucky Barnes, many have stepped into a role once filled by Steve Rogers, but an unexpected one may be a perfect Cap.

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The Thing's 'Perfect' Form Exposed Why He Really Hates the Hulk

The Thing famously does not like the Hulk, but his reason for this is actually a lot more complex and personal than readers might expect.

The Fantastic Four Aren't Superheroes (& Marvel Should Stop Pretending)

If Marvel wants better Fantastic Four stories, it needs to understand that they work best as a family of scientists and explorers, not action heroes.

Marvel Undermines Its Own Trans Representation With Pointless 'Joke'

Franklin Richards's role as a trans allegory has long been contentious in Fantastic Four, but turning it into a joke about his hair color goes too far

Fantastic Four: One MCU Hero Is Officially the Thing's Worst Nightmare

The Thing is one of the most respected Marvel Comics characters, but a fellow powerful hero doesn't trust him for the worst reason.

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