
  • Gen V includes hidden details and easter eggs that hint at potential intersections with The Boys.
  • Sam's room in Gen V features posters of Black Noir and Payback, suggesting a deeper meaning.
  • The fate of Payback in The Boys could foreshadow a dark future for Sam in Gen V.

Since Gen V is jampacked with several hidden details and references, it is hard not to ponder over one Sam detail that might foreshadow his Gen V future. Primarily set in Vought International's Godolkin University, Gen V combines coming-of-age drama with superhero satire and action. While at it, it also features several easter eggs to its parent series, The Boys, hinting at how its seemingly self-contained storylines will eventually intersect the ones in The Boys.

Apart from nods and easter eggs to The Boys, Gen V also secretly showcases hidden details that draw parallels between its character beats and that of The Boys. One of these parallels seemingly appears in Sam's story arc in Gen V's initial episodes, possibly highlighting what could eventually happen to him in the franchise's overarching storyline. Although this presumed detail could mean nothing, it might set up some intriguing developments for Sam's future story arcs in Gen V.

RELATED: Sam's Powers In The Boys: Gen V & Why He Sees Puppets Explained

The Posters In Sam's Room May Have A Deeper Meaning In Gen V

Sam sitting in his room in Goldolkin University's The Woods.

A close look at the walls in Sam's room at Goldolkin University's The Woods reveals that most posters on it feature Black Noir and his former supe faction, Payback. Given how Vought International likely decided the design and decoration of all rooms in the University and only placed those posters for propaganda, it is interesting that only these supes have found their way on Sam's room posters when Vought could have gone for so many others. What makes this detail even more suspicious is that, although Payback was once a supe powerhouse, serving as a parody of MCU's The Avengers, it is not all that relevant in The Boys and Gen V's present timelines.

Gen V's Small Detail May Tease What Happens To Sam

Sam and the puppet in Gen V

Including Soldier Boy, Crimson Countess, Gunpowder, Black Noir, Mindstorm, Swatto, and The TNT Twins, Payback was considered the greatest superhero team-up in The Boys' 80s timeline, long before Vought had formed The Seven. However, the supe team suddenly disbanded after all the members, except Gunpowder, plotted against Soldier Boy and handed him to the Russians. After parting ways, most supes in Payback met a tragic fate. While Gunpowder was murdered by Billy Butcher, Crimson Countess, Mindstorm, and TNT Twins met their doom when Soldier Boy blasted them with radiations in The Boys season 3.

Black Noir, too, met his tragic fate in The Boys season 3's ending when Homelander ruthlessly killed him for not telling him about his relationship with Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy was also neutralized and placed back inside a gassed capsule towards the end of The Boys season 3, affirming that all Payback supes were either murdered or ended up getting betrayed. This could mean that the little detail in Sam's room is foreshadowing his dark future. Since he, too, gets hallucinations like Black Noir, he could easily be misunderstood by others, just as Homelander confused Noir's innocence for betrayal. This, in turn, could lead him down a relentlessly lonely path in Gen V, potentially ending his arc on a harrowing note.