
  • "Get Out" is widely regarded as one of the best horror films in recent memory, receiving critical acclaim and multiple Academy Award nominations.
  • The film includes disturbing and twisted scenes, such as the opening scene capturing the fear of a Black man walking alone in a white suburban neighborhood.
  • The movie explores themes of racism and manipulation, with characters like Rose and her family revealing their true intentions, leading to unsettling and shocking moments.

Get Out has some of the darkest and most disturbing scenes in any horror movie. The film, directed and written by Jordan Peele, was released in 2017 and instantly met with critical acclaim. In fact, the movie is widely regarded as one of the best horror films in recent memory.

Get Out was nominated for four Academy Awards, and Peele took home one for Best Original Screenplay. Daniel Kaluuya also received praise for his acting and was later featured in another Peele film, 2022's Nope. While Get Out was more than a typical horror film comprised of jump scares and old clichés, Peele didn't shy away from including some twisted and disturbing moments.

Related: Where Was Get Out Filmed? Horror Movie's Filming Locations Explained

The Opening Scene

Andre in Get Out Opening Scene

The opening scene in Get Out sets the tone for Jordan Peele's film and lets the audience know the character on screen is in a place where he doesn't fit in. The scene follows Andre walking alone at night, expressing his fear of being a Black man walking alone in a white suburban neighborhood. A car pulls up next to him, and while he tries to walk away, someone gets out and captures him before he can leave, putting him in the trunk of the car. The Get Out scene is made more eerie with Flanagan and Allen's "Run, Rabbit Run!" playing in the background.

The Running Scene

Running scene in Get Out

Another terrifying scene occurs when Chris, feeling uneasy, is unable to sleep at his girlfriend Rose's family's house. After lying awake with Rose asleep next to him, Chris goes outside in the night to smoke, but before he gets a chance, another man comes charging at him from the woods. As he gets closer and looks like he's about to knock Chris over, he switches direction and runs past Chris. Chris, already disturbed and confused, turns to see Georgina staring at him through the window in a creepy manner.

The Party Goes Silent

Get Out Party Scene

As Rose is introducing Chris to her friends and family at a party, he feels like a fish out of water. He tries to bond with another Black man, who appears to be the same person who was abducted at the start of Get Out. However, things don't go as planned, and it gets even weirder when Chris goes inside and upstairs. The party downstairs immediately stops as all the guests go silent. The awkwardness only continues as Chris returns.

Related: Jordan Peele's 2 Get Out Cameo Roles Explained

Chris' Hypnosis

Get Out hypnosis scene

After coming back inside after seeing the man running toward him, Chris finds Rose's mother in her study, where she uses hypnosis on him. He at first thinks she's trying to help him, but the session gets creepier and creepier as she asks personal questions and stirs her tea. It's clear this isn't the average hypnosis session that a trained hypnotherapist would use. Rose's mother's condescending tone soon brings Chris to tears as he subconsciously realizes he isn't safe.

Logan's Warning To Chris

Logan in Get Out

Logan is one of the attendees at Rose's party, though he looks like Andre from the start of the film. It's later revealed he is Andre, but there is someone else occupying his body. During the party, the more Chris talks to Logan about being Black, the more he tries to assure him he's okay. When Chris uses his phone to take a photo of Logan, the flash goes off and triggers him. Logan freezes, then his nose begins to bleed, and he starts yelling for Chris to get out. It seems he's having a breakdown and getting angry at Chris, but the truth is he's trying to warn him.

Rose Turns On Chris

A screencap from Get Out of Allison Williams' Rose frowning while holding up some car keys

Rose remained supportive and loving toward Chris throughout Get Out, even when Chris showed suspicions about her family. However, at the end of Get Out, it became clear that Rose was in on the plan the whole time. When Chris finds evidence that Rose is against him too, the audience is rooting for him to escape and expose her and her family. Unfortunately, she catches him and turns on him, revealing the truth. Rose's easygoing and oblivious character is all a facade, and the speed with which she switches personalities is particularly disturbing.

Georgina & Chris' Conversation In His Room

Georgina in Get Out

Chris already feels uneasy at the party Rose's family hosts when he runs into Georgina in Rose's bedroom. In the scene, Georgina is behaving almost robotic-like as she apologizes to Chris for touching his stuff. He's confused about why all the Black people he meets act like puppets trained by Rose's white family, and Georgina's behavior is further proof that everything is not as it seems with Rose and her family. Georgina tries to convince Chris that she doesn't feel out of place in Rose's family, but the tears streaming down her face as she smiles and reassures Chris say differently. The entire scene is very uneasy to watch, perhaps intentionally so.

Related: Get Out's Inspirations Explained

The Auction

Get Out auction scene

Weirder than the silent party scene is the auction, where Rose's father seems to be auctioning off Chris. The answer to the mystery in Get Out is that the family is a part of a cult that abducts black bodies and replaces half of their brain with that of the white cult member. This is because of the genetic advantages they believe Black bodies have. The auction is for white members of the cult to buy Chris so that they can take over his body.

Rose's Death

Rose's death at the end of Get Out

While Rose was one of the main villains in Get Out, it was still disturbing to see her die. Rose fails in her attempt to stop Chris from escaping, but after he crashes the car and tries to run off, she goes after him with a gun. Chris is finally able to get on top of Rose and choke her right before a cop car arrives at the scene. Luckily, the police officer is Chris' friend Rod, who saves him, leaving Rose to die painfully with blood dripping from her mouth.

The Sunken Place

Chris in the Sunken Place in Get Out

One of the darkest and scariest scenes in Get Out is the one that takes place in the sunken place. This is where Rose's family brings their captives so that their bodies can be overtaken by the cult members. Chris is taken here during hypnosis twice but is luckily able to get out both times. During the first hypnosis treatment, Chris goes to a scary place where he's floating in darkness. He sees Rose's mother in front of him, but she appears to be on a movie screen that he's watching from the sunken place. Chris tries to scream, but no sound comes out, and soon, he awakens in bed as if the entire night were a bad dream, providing the film with one of its most chilling moments.