


Yoda and Palpatine. 1
Yoda Accidentally Predicted Palpatine's Rise 200 Years Early (& Why He'd Win)

With a single comment made to the Jedi Council of the High Republic era, Yoda accurately predicted how and why Emperor Palpatine would rise to power.

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Ahsoka (2023)
Ahsoka Just Proved She's Wiser Than Master Yoda (And It's Thanks To Anakin)

Ahsoka Tano's response to the dark side of the Force proves she had more wisdom than Master Yoda, and it's all thanks to Anakin Skywalker.

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Sith Yoda Wields Five Lightsabers in Jaw-Dropping Star Wars Fan Art

Amazing fan art from Sebastián Píriz imagines Yoda as a Sith warrior, swapping his acrobatic fighting style for a Force-based lightsaber technique.

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Ahsoka (2023)
Luke Learned Yoda's Most Important Lesson - Anakin Didn't... And Ahsoka Hasn't Yet

While Luke learned Yoda's most important lesson, Anakin didn't which means the jury's still out on whether Ahsoka Tano did now that she's a master.

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Yoda Names Emperor Palpatine's Greatest Apprentice (& It's Not Darth Vader)

The final issue of Marvel's Star Wars: Yoda series forces the Jedi Master to confront his own complicity in the Republic's fall and rise of the Sith.

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"Play With Your Toys": Yoda Knows the Jedi Were Wrong to Recruit Children

During his Dagobah exile, Yoda is confronted with the darkness of his past, including the fact that the Jedi Order was wrong to indoctrinate children.

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Yoda’s Most Important Apprentice Never Actually Became a Jedi

Yoda’s new pupil never trained to become a Jedi, but, if not for this apprentice, Luke Skywalker would not have been able to take down the Empire.

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Yoda's New Force Vision Exposes the Shocking Truth of How He Sees Anakin

The final issue of Marvel's Yoda series features the Jedi Master's own journey into Dagobah's Dark Side Cave, shortly before The Empire Strikes Back.

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Yoda Agreeing to Train Luke Was WAY More Heroic Than It Seems (& Almost Killed Him)

While it seems like a given that Yoda would train Luke, that wasn't always the case, and Yoda agreeing to train Luke was actually extremely heroic.

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Yoda's Dagobah Cave Vision Proves Luke Skywalker Got Off Easy

Luke Skywalker once had a disturbing vision while stuck on Dagobah, with Yoda finally getting his own version of this event to far scarier results.

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How Yoda Discovered Yaddle's Death (& Why He Blamed Himself)

The moment Yoda learns how and why Yaddle was killed in Star Wars was one of gut-wrenching heartbreak, especially because he blames himself for it.

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“Blinded by the Light”: Yoda Admits the Real Reason He Missed the Sith’s Return

Yoda enters the Dark Side Cave in the final issue of Star Wars: Yoda, in order to confront his failures and prepare for his most important role yet.

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How Obi-Wan Kenobi Persuaded Yoda to Train Luke as a Jedi

Yoda famously trained Luke Skywalker to become a Jedi in The Empire Strikes Back, but Obi-Wan first had to convince him to confront his inner demons.

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Yoda's Name for Palpatine Shows the Dark Truth of Their Rivalry

Yoda is one of Star Wars' most powerful characters, but even he had a hard time grappling with the effects of the Emperor's rise to power.

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Even Yoda Admits 1 Jedi's Corruption Was Totally His Fault

Yoda’s failure to stop the rise of the Sith haunts him, but there’s one personal failure he feels stronger than any others, his own Padawan’s fall.

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Palpatine's Nickname for Yoda Is the Ultimate Insult (& Yoda Knows He's Right)

As Yoda confronts his guilt ahead of training Luke Skywalker, an insult from Emperor Palpatine gets to the core of how he failed the Jedi.

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Yoda vs Qui-Gon Jinn Exposes the Jedi Master's Buried Guilt

In the final issue of Star Wars: Yoda, the Jedi Master enters Dagobah's infamous cave to confront his guilt, which takes an unexpected form.

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Luke Skywalker Mastered a Rare Force Power Just to Insult Yoda

Luke Skywalker’s anger at Yoda meant that he didn’t even realize he’d just learned the rare art of Force projection by complete accident.

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Yoda's Hypocrisy Over Using Children Highlights A Tragic Star Wars Reality

Yoda and others want to protect children, but the reality of Star Wars is that kids are treated differently — and no one is doing anything about it.

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Star Wars Debuts the Clone Wars' Coolest Droid Against Yoda & Anakin

Yoda and Anakin Skywalker are on a mission to destroy the Separatists' new Megadroid, but it's shrugging off their lightsabers.

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