Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Loki season 2, episode 2Loki season 2, episode 2 features an exciting collection of Easter eggs and references. Coming from the original Marvel Comics, actual history, and Loki's own villainous past, there are plenty of exciting and fun nods throughout the new episode. This includes references pointing toward Loki's own evolution as a more redemptive figure in the MCU.

As seen in Loki season 2, episode 2, the titular God of Mischief (Tom Hiddleston) and Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) are trying to prevent the demise of the TVA. This is because Loki in particular believes the TVA will become the primary defense against He Who Remains' variants which were unleashed with the expansion of the multiverse as seen in the finale of Loki season 1. To that end, here is every Easter egg and reference during Loki season 2, episode 2 as the TVA struggles to reconcile with new revelations and its own impending destruction.

12 Loki Season 2, Episode 2 Is Titled "Breaking Brad"

An image of Walter White looking serious in Breaking Bad

Loki season 2, episode 2's title is "Breaking Brad", a riff on the critically acclaimed AMC series Breaking Bad which works on multiple levels. Not only does the TVA's Hunter X-5 (Rafael Casal) go rogue and abandon his former life, he defies order and breaks protocol by having a life on the Sacred Timeline, taking the name "Brad Wolfe". Likewise, Loki ends up interrogating X-5 for Sylvie's whereabouts later on in the episode, threatening to literally break "Brad" within the shrinking confines of an energy cube.

11 Loki and Mobius In 1977 (Same Year As Star Wars)

Poster for A New Hope

Loki season 2, episode 2 opens with Loki and Mobius on the hunt for Sylvie on the Sacred Timeline. As a result, they arrive at a London movie premiere in the year 1977 to find Hunter X-5 who had been tasked with tracking her down but instead went rogue. 1977 is the same year A New Hope premiered, the first movie in Lucasfilm's Star Wars franchise which has since become a Disney property just like Marvel Studios and the MCU.

10 A Rare Eternals Appearance

Loki season 2 episode 2 Kingo poster

As Loki and Mobius walk through the West End of London on their way to confront X-5/Brad Wolfe, they walk past some movie posters, including one for a Bollywood movie starring one of Kingo's "family members". Kumail Nunjiani's Eternals hero was last seen abandoning his station in the 2021 MCU event, having explained that he covered his immortality in his prolific Bollywood career by claiming to be from a long line of identical actors who replaced each other every generation. This being 1977, the Kingo in the poster is probably Kingo's "father".

9 Loki Season 2 References A Very Obscure Marvel Hero: Phone Ranger

Loki Season 2 Phone Ranger Easter Egg

Right after the poster of Kingo, another poster is featured for a movie entitled Phone Ranger. In the original comics, Phone Ranger is an incredibly obscure hero. Real name A.G Bell (a riff on the inventor of the phone), Bell was a telephone repair man who discovered alien tech, giving him access to all communication devices across the world. While he briefly fought crime as the Phone Ranger, Bell has only appeared three times in the entirety of the Marvel Comics continuity (1985, 2006, and 2019).

8 Zaniac (Brad Wolfe)

Zaniac tease in Loki season 2 trailer

Loki and Mobius discover that Hunter X-5 has indeed gone rogue in 1977. Having defied orders from General Dox (Kate Dickie), X-5 chose to instead have a life on the Sacred Timeline. As such, X-5 has become actor Brad Wolfe and is starring in Zaniac!, a movie about a serial killer.

In the original comics, Wolfe was also a movie star who was transformed by radiation from the Manhattan Project. Gaining superhuman strength and the ability to create knives out our pure energy, Wolfe lived out his role as the Zaniac which put him at odds with Thor himself. As such, perhaps the MCU's Brad Wolfe/X-5 will undergo a similar Zaniac transformation in the episodes to come.

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7 Bridgette Bardot Explained

Bridgette Bardot Image

During the Zaniac! premiere, a reporter asks X-5/Wolfe about the rumors that he's dating a woman by the name of Bridgette Bardot. In actual history, Bardot was a major French model, singer, and actress from the 1950s-70s. However, Wolfe declines to comment on the validity of the rumors while he celebrates his "meteoric rise as a movie star".

6 Loki Displays Classic And New MCU Powers

Rafael Cassal as Zaniac in Loki season 2 trailer

When X-5 tries to make a run for it after facing Loki and Mobius, the God of Mischief displays a collection of classic powers Loki's used in the past. This includes duplication casting, blasts of green magical energy, and several illusions used to slow "Brad Wolfe" down. However, Loki also uses his own shadows to hold X-5 in place in an alleyway, an impressive new ability that fits the God of Mischief quite well.

5 Loki Season 2 References His Mother (Frigga)

Frigga talks to Loki in Thor The Dark World

During X-5's interrogation back at the TVA, the former Hunter attempts to get inside Loki's head and agitate the God of Mischief, claiming that Loki himself is the TVA's real problem. He also calls Loki a loser and that he should go back to being a villain rather than trying to be a hero. However, he also says that Loki only makes things worse for Mobius, for B-15, and for Loki's mother Frigga.

Having read Loki's file, Brad knows all about what happened during Thor: The Dark World and Loki's inadvertent role in getting his mother killed. Although that happened to the MCU's original Loki, this new Loki was shown what his life should have been in Loki season 1. This included what would have been his role in Frigga's death had he not been a variant and deviated from the Sacred Timeline.

4 Loki References His Past With The Avengers and Tony Stark

Loki trying to use his sceptre on Tony Stark in The Avengers

After X-5 successfully agitates Mobius and gets the TVA agent to lash out, Loki and Mobius take a break and have some pie. It's here that Loki calls back to the past where his own rage got the better of him. He notably brings up how mad he was with his brother and father, so much so that he led an alien invasion to take over Earth as seen in the first Avengers movie.

Loki also reveals that after his scepter and the Mind Stone failed to corrupt Iron Man's mind in Avengers, his rage is what motivated him to throw Tony Stark out the window: "It wasn't tactical". It's certainly a rather humorous explanation for the scene as Loki looks back on his past, having been far darker and angrier than he is now in the current MCU.

Related: Loki Season 2 Episode 2 Ending Explained

3 Loki Finds Sylvie In Broxton, Oklahoma

Loki and Sylvie in Loki season 2 episode 2

After finally convincing Hunter X-5 to reveal Sylvie's location, Loki and Sylvie reunite on the branched timeline where Sylvie has been working at McDonald's (first seen in the Loki season 2 premiere's post-credits scene), enjoying her freedom after spending years hiding from the TVA within various apocalypses. However, this McDonald's in particular is notably located in Broxton, Oklahoma. In the original Marvel Comics, Broxton became Asgard's new home following the events of Ragnarök, having a major role in the Siege storyline which put Loki's villainous schemes front and center. It was also the beginning of a major redemptive arc for Loki as seen in the current comics.

2 Sylvie Killed 400 Of The TVA's Minutemen

Sophia Di Martino as Sylvie in Loki season 1

It was well established that Sylvie had killed several of the TVA's Minutemen during the events of Loki season 1. However, Hunter X-5 gives an exact number in Loki season 2, episode 2. Apparently, Sylvie has killed an estimated 400 TVA agents over the course of her life evading their custody and attempts to prune her from existence. As such, such a large number certainly puts Sylvie's powers and skills in perspective.

1 Sylvie Has He Who Remains' Talisman

Sylvie in Loki Season 2 With He Who Remains Talisman

At the end of Loki season 2, episode 2, it's revealed that Sylvie held onto He Who Remains' talisman device after she killed him in the finale of Loki season 1. It seems to be a highly advanced version of the TVA's standard-issue TemPads, offering a variety of tools and temporal abilities. As such, it stands to reason that Sylvie will use it in future episodes of Loki season 2, despite her initial refusal to join Loki at the TVA in this episode.

New episodes of Loki release every Thursday at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Disney+.

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