Warning! This article contains spoilers for Loki Season 2, Episode 2, "Breaking Brad."


  • Loki Season 2, Episode 2 showcased Loki and Mobius's detective work in search of Sylvie, unveiling the villainous plans of Dox along the way.
  • Trailers for Loki have already revealed the location of TVA Judge Ravonna Renslayer, hinting at a possible alliance between Renslayer, Victor Timely, and Miss Minutes in a past timeline.
  • Marvel's habit of spoiling cliffhangers is longrunning.

The MCU has a habit of stoking conversation by placing big reveals in trailers, which often leads to them being spoiled ahead of time - much like Loki's latest cliffhanger. Loki Season 2, Episode 2 was replete with detective work as Loki and Mobius went about searching for Sylvie, deploying unorthodox methods (including a glorious sequence featuring Loki's illusion powers) before stumbling upon the nefarious designs of Dox. While their mission to locate Sylvie culminated in a reunion at a 1980s McDonald's, where she deigned to enjoy her newfound freedom, the mystery still hung over the whereabouts of one other major player.

The episode also saw the typically hapless Casey embrace a more active role, revealing his knowledge of the inner workings of the TVA to be almost on par with Ouroboros. O.B., meanwhile, discovered a pretty major roadblock in protecting the TVA from a potentially catastrophic explosion of the Temporal Loom; namely, that the Temporal Aura of He Who Remains is required to close the protective blast doors. Failing this, Miss Minutes - who is also missing - is the only other one able to override the protocol. All this culminated in a classic cliffhanger - or at least it would have been if the trailers didn't already reveal the outcome.

Where Is Renslayer? Loki's Trailers Already Spoiled The Mystery

TVA Computer Loki

One of the final shots of the episode lingered over a monitor where Casey had pulled up the apparent location of TVA Judge Ravonna Renslayer. Renslayer was last seen in Season 1 stepping through a Time Door in pursuit of her "free will," leaving the rest of the TVA none the wiser as to where she was going. Except that mystery was solved way before the first episode aired in the trailers for the new season - namely, at the World's Fair, seemingly in the same location as Victor Timely (a variant of He Who Remains), and Miss Minutes, who is shown intimidating the patrons of the fair.

Related: Loki Season 2 Villain: Victor Timely Powers & Comic History Explained

The trailers depict Renslayer in period dress matching that of Timely and the other attendees of the World's Fair, wielding a pretty intimidating weapon that looks inconsistent with the time period and suspiciously similar to a pruning baton. With that in mind, it looks like the TVA is about to find the solution to their Temporal Loom troubles in one handy place - provided, of course, Kang and Miss Minutes decide to cooperate. As for the reasons why Renslayer and Miss Minutes have made their way to that particular timeline, that can be pieced together from yet more clues shown in the trailer.

Why Renslayer & Miss Minutes Go To The Past

Renslayer in period dress

Given Renslayer was last heard on a recording from some time ago speaking with Kang as a close partner, her being in his presence now is a worrying turn of events. While the trailers reveal Renslayer arming up, it isn't exactly clear who her target is - but if the comic book origins are anything to go by, there's a big chance that she has teamed up with Timely once more. The presence of Miss Minutes, meanwhile, is easier to explain - she has always been an ally of He Who Remains, owing to the fact that he is her creator.

The trailers also revealed that Victor Timely is in possession of an invention that looks suspiciously identical to the Temporal Loom. On top of that, there is the theory that Victor Timely is an ally of the TVA. With that in mind, perhaps Renslayer and Miss Minutes' reasons for traveling back in time aren't as sinister as we are initially led to believe, and that everybody involved in Season 2 are instead working towards a similar cause.

Why Marvel Keeps Ruining Cliffhangers

Patrick Stewart as Professor X in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

This is far from the first time that Marvel has spoiled cliffhangers way before they're set up, and at this point, it has become something of a habit. The most recent examples surround Secret Invasion, where it was spoiled that G'iah was going to somehow survive her shooting owing to the fact she was seen in a later scene depicted in the trailers. Fury's imminent demise at the hands of Gravik was also a nonstarter, thanks to his prominent appearance in the trailer for The Marvels.

Another earlier example of Marvel spoiling a big reveal was when Patrick Stewart's unmistakable voice was heard in the trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which softened the impact of Professor X's appearance as part of the Illuminati. Despite Spider-Man: Far From Home attempting to skirt around the fact, it was also fairly easy to piece together Stark's death from its trailer before Avengers: Endgame had been released.

It can lead to a lot of frustration when big payoffs are quashed by the content of trailers. While the reality is that Marvel does have to market their releases ahead of time and tease strong hooks as part of it, the studio has already proved that they can bait-and-switch, such as when Hulk appeared in the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, only to not appear in the final product. With a lot of shots yet to appear in Loki, the hope remains that not every mystery can be explained through another look at the trailer.

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