
  • Loki's ability to escape death repeatedly is a defining characteristic, as he has cheated death in multiple situations and returned to the MCU.
  • Loki's love for drama and theatrics sets him apart, as he outshines villains like Thanos in the presentation department.
  • Loki's continuous cycle of dying, reviving, and stealing the Tesseract showcases his fascination with the powerful artifact and his persistence in obtaining it.

With Loki being such a beloved MCU figure, plenty of memes have spawned about the playful yet complex character. The God of Mischief made his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Thor alongside his brother, and has been a staple character in the franchise since. Appropriate to his title of the God of Mischief, Loki is a powerful magic-user who is known for constantly switching between being an ally and a villain.

Tom Hiddleston’s charismatic portrayal of Loki is part of why many fans love the character. Loki has also grown to show his vulnerable and emotional side, which lands him in the anti-hero role he now serves in Loki. With the God of Mischief’s time in the MCU being far from over - despite how many times Loki has seemingly died in the MCU - these 10 memes best sum up Loki’s journey thus far.

Related: Every Loki Season 2 Episode 1 MCU Easter Egg & Reference

10 Loki Escapes Death…Again

Loki Multiple Deaths Meme

Loki’s life in the MCU has been defined by how many times he’s escaped death, something picked up on by Reddit user Arkay518. His first MCU appearance was almost his last when he seemingly died at the end of Thor, only to escape via a portal. He was then stabbed in The Dark World, which was supposed to be his permanent death if not for negative test audience reactions. Loki was killed by Thanos in the opening minutes of Avengers: Infinity War, yet still managed to return for a solo series where he gets pruned by the TVA. No matter how many times the Grim Reaper comes knocking, Loki manages to return.

9 Loki’s Love For The Dramatics

Dramatic Loki Supervillain

A love for drama and a flair for theatrics goes hand in hand with the God of Mischief. In this meme by andson-r - laid over a scene from the movie Megamind - Loki confronts Thanos about what pushes him to that supervillain title. Megamind’s over-the-top presentation of himself is what makes him a fun-loving character, while also being part of his intimidation factor. The same could be said for Loki, who may not have the strength to compete with Thanos on his own, but definitely outshines him in the presentation department.

8 Loki, God of Tesseracts

Loki God of Tesseracts

If there’s anything Loki seems to love more than drama and escaping death, it’d have to be the Tesseract. First shown in the post-credits of Thor, the Tesseract is a blue cube that was later revealed to be a container for the Space Stone. Loki would develop a huge fascination with the Tesseract and its powers, with The Avengers being about stopping the God from getting his hands on it. As pointed out by this YouTube comment and shared on Reddit by u/DefinitionEmpty9436, Loki has since gone through a continuous cycle of dying, reviving, then stealing the Tesseract.

Related: Complete MCU History Of The Tesseract: When It Appears In The Timeline

7 Loki, God Of Being Polite

Loki God of Being Polite

Loki is known for his incredible charisma, which gets some help from actor Tom Hiddleston, whose delivery can make the character sound genuine in any situation. Despite being such an intense and dramatic character, Loki is actually quite a polite person. This meme by Able-Monitor9189 points out instances of Loki’s manners, addressing people with respect even if his actions are about to be the opposite. The politeness is perhaps what makes Loki so deceiving, as his switch between a villain and an ally feels seamless.

6 Loki And Frigga

Loki and Frigga-1

Although Loki was adopted into the Asgardian Royal Family, Frigga has always treated him like her own. Being raised by witches herself, Frigga passed on her knowledge of magic to Loki, which made them both incredibly strong sorcerers. Unlike Loki’s rocky relationship with the rest of his family, he genuinely cared for his mother, which is why her death helped him reconsider his stance. This Tumblr meme shows that despite not being blood-related, Loki and Frigga share plenty of similarities, even down to the way they scream.

5 Loki The Trickster

Shapeshifter Loki Tricks Thor

This meme by EVula is a hilarious reference to the story Thor told in Thor: Ragnarok where Loki shapeshifted into a snake when they were children, using it as a disguise to stab Thor. The popular meme format is taken from the anime The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird, where the man identifies what’s clearly a butterfly as a pigeon. In this artist’s version, Thor sees a butterfly and ponders if it’s Loki because of its green and gold wings, only for it to actually be Loki when the butterfly stabs him.

4 Too Many Lokis

Loki Variant

Loki is not only the beloved character’s first solo project, but it was also the MCU’s main introduction of the multiverse. The whole motive of the TVA is to get rid of variants and timelines that don’t belong. After Loki is pruned for the first time, he wakes up surrounded by many variants of himself. Of course, Loki resorted to his usual mischievous methods to try and take control. However, it didn’t help that all of the other Loki variants had the same thoughts, resulting in an endless cycle of Loki betraying Loki, as shown in this meme by VIRGIL69143.

3 Loki Gets Nerfed

Loki Character Development nerf

There’s no doubt that Loki felt extremely intimidating when he was first introduced into the MCU. Especially after serving as the main villain of The Avengers, he showed how meticulous his plans can be as well as his physical capabilities. Fast forward to where Loki as a character is now, he has mellowed out a considerable amount. He’s even learned to build connections with others, noticeably Sylvie throughout Loki. Desperate-Ad2784's meme shows a buff Doge representing Loki in The Avengers and a crying, more vulnerable Doge representing where he is at now.

2 Loki’s Emotional Reunion

Loki Mobius Emotional Scene

The Loki season 2 premiere was filled with chaos and a sense of urgency. One of the saddest moments from the premiere was Loki approaching TVA agent Mobius, who did not recognize him due to the events of the Loki season 1 ending. Considering how close Loki and Mobius became in the first season, it is heartbreaking to see Loki try and remind his friend of his identity. @RoseBarnes94's meme jokes about how the cameraman filming the scene must’ve reacted, as Hiddleston’s performance is definitely a tearjerker.

1 Loki’s Ally Mobius

Mobius defending Loki meme

Though @ThoritoLokia's meme was posted in reference to Loki season 1, it still heavily applies to season 2 as well. Loki’s initial arrival at the TVA is met with hostility because he was an outlier to the Sacred Timeline. After Mobius gets to know him, however, the TVA agent starts going to bat for him. This famous meme format features The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member Taylor Armstrong hysterically pointing at someone off-screen, with a very confused cat on the right. This meme embodies Mobius’ relationship with Loki perfectly, as he’s willing to stand up for the God of Mischief despite every accusation the TVA throws their way.

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