
  • A new Five Nights At Freddy's trailer has been posted online, providing a fresh look at the movie's murderous animatronic mascots.
  • The upcoming Blumhouse film stars Josh Hutcherson as Mike, a night security guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza who comes to realize that the restaurant's animatronic mascots come to life and attempt to murder anybody inside after midnight.
  • The movie being rated PG-13 suggests it won't be truly terrifying, but it will feature the games' unique environment, atmosphere, and villains, which is a big part of the appeal.

A new Five Nights At Freddy's trailer has been released, hyping all the animatronic terror that is to come in the upcoming Blumhouse release. Directed by Emma Tammi, the upcoming horror flick serves as an adaption of the popular Five Nights At Freddy's video game franchise. The movie stars Josh Hutcherson as a night guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, chronicling the horrors than ensue after he discovers that the establishment's animatronic mascots attempt to kill anyone inside after midnight.

Now, ahead of the Five Nights At Freddy's release date, the movie's official Twitter account has shared a new teaser for the film. Check out the video below:

The teaser shares closer looks at the movie's four animatronic mascots, revealing more of what Hutcher's character, Mike, will be up against.

How Scary Will Five Nights At Freddy's Be?

Josh Hutcherson in Five Nights at Freddy's movie

The Five Nights At Freddy's video games became something of a gaming phenomenon, renowned for their atmosphere, villains, and scares. The upcoming Blumhouse movie certainly seems to be honoring the spirit of the games, including with its age rating. Five Nights At Freddy's is rated PG-13 for "strong violent content, bloody images and language," which is in keeping with most of the games' own teen-friendly ratings.

While there may not be heaps for blood and gore with a PG-13, the rating doesn't mean the movie can't feature jump scares and moments of violence. Blumhouse's recent hit M3gan, for example, made effective use of its PG-13 rating, as did The Boogeyman, a Stephen King adaptation from this past summer. There's no denying, however, that Five Nights At Freddy's will have to tone down aspects that wouldn't be acceptable to younger viewers.

The upcoming adaptation not be pushing the envelope in terms of how scary it is, then, but much of the enduring appeal of the franchise has to do with the unique atmosphere and setting of the scares. The Five Nights At Freddy's trailers have already revealed that the movie will definitely be honoring these aspects of the game, including with its depiction of Fazbear Freddy and his murderous companions.

Source: Five Nights At Freddy's/ Twitter

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