
  • A recent Reddit post presents proof that debunks the theory that Frodo doesn't know Legolas' name in the Lord of the Rings movies.
  • The proof comes from a book that Frodo is writing in the Return of the King ending, which alludes to Legolas' name.
  • While it is still possible that Frodo didn't know Legolas' name during the Quest of the Ring, the discovered details show that he does know it after the ring was destroyed.

A Lord of the Rings fan finds a hidden detail that debunks one of the strangest theories about the movies. Based on the beloved novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy was released from 2001 to 2003. The first film, The Fellowship of the Ring, introduces the eponymous group consisting of nine members from different races who band together to destroy the One Ring. Though the Fellowship grows to become close companions, one of the strangest theories ever devised about the movies is that Frodo doesn't actually know Legolas' name.

Now, years after the theory first emerged, Reddit user Icy_Statement_2410 has found a hidden detail debunking the Lord of the Rings theory that Frodo doesn't know Legolas' name. Check out the post below:

The post, as seen above, presents proof that Frodo does know Legolas' name – the book the hobbit is writing during the Return of the King ending that alludes to the Elf's name. Accompanied by a photo of Frodo's book, the post explains, "He finished it years after the ring was destroyed, so it's possible he didn't know Legolas' name at the time but learned it later (even just to write the book). But this is indisputable proof that Frodo does indeed know Legolas' name and even spells it correctly with all the accents and everything."

Lord of the Rings' Frodo-Legolas Name Theory Explained


In the Lord of the Rings movies, Frodo never actually uses Legolas' name. In fact, the two rarely speak to one another except for the Council of Elrond scene in Fellowship of the Ring when Legolas tells Frodo, "You have my bow." Furthermore, when the Fellowship reunites in Return of the King, Frodo excitedly addresses Gimli by name, but when Legolas arrives, he awkwardly smiles, seemingly spacing out and forgetting his name. This moment popularized the strange, somewhat tongue-in-cheek theory that Frodo doesn't know Legolas' name, which has also become a popular meme.

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However, the recently discovered hidden detail proves that, at least after the Quest of the Ring, Frodo does know Legolas' name and writes it in his book. However, since the scene with Frodo finishing his book takes place years after the ring was destroyed, it is still possible that he didn't know the Elf's name during the Quest of the Ring and only learned it after the fact. Despite being one of the strangest theories to emerge from the Lord of the Rings movies, it appears the Frodo-Legolas name theory still holds some water.

Source: u/Icy_Statement_2410/Reddit